Thursday, March 22, 2012

As head #3 goes bouncing down the stairs...

In a post last fall, I mentioned that there were 3 other people besides our former president that were cited in the judges ruling as having done bad things--an administrator, a long time staff member, and a faculty member. The administrator has resigned, the long time staff member suddenly retired.  Now, I find out that the faculty member is retiring.  Someone who teaches in  my department talked to him recently, and said "Gee, I didn't know you were retiring" to which he replied "Neither did I."  

This president is holding people accountable!  Good for him!  But, since these folks were acting under pressure from another party, the president had the sense to let them leave gracefully.  Even better. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Now what?

Just as I was about to start a class on Wednesday morning, the administration evacuated the building.  Seems that someone called in a bomb threat, which turned out to be a hoax.  Of course, it was all over the local paper, which took that opportunity to include all of our troubles listed all over again, going back to the university president being fired last August. 

Then yesterday the current university president told us that the accrediting body is sending a special 3 person team to campus in a few weeks to look into what we are doing.  Our regular accreditation visit isn't due for another 3 years. 

I'm so glad I'm not the unversity president!  What a hornet's nest he has stepped into!

So, now I am wondering - what's next?