Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why can't we be friends?

Since I moved to this new community and new job, I have been very, very busy;  however, my new job is much less stressful than my old one, in spite of the long hours.  Therefore, in my time away from work, I have not been obsessing about work problems, and so I have had a little space to indulge in contemplation of current events, including my own political views. (The last 2 and a half years have been quite political!) In rethinking various issues, I have discovered that my political views are much more complex than I had previously thought.  As I have mentioned in a previous post, I am part libertarian and part liberal, and part my own unique views.  My father was a Goldwater conservative, and raised me to be the same, but events have conspired to cause me to re-think lots of things. 

Today, I want to start a series of entries that slowly, carefully, and logically, explore ideas and issues, in the spirit of calm and rational discourse, which seems to be sorely lacking in our political climate.  I believe that the current climate of extreme division, rudeness, lack of compromise, and animosity is doing FAR more damage to this country than any idea or policy by any political party.  This little town is friendly and polite, but a few weeks ago a total stranger came up to me in front of the post office and started calling me names because he took issue with a bumper sticker on my car.  That's just wrong.  The bumper sticker was poking fun at the "trickle down economics" phrase that was so popular in the 80's.  It was, I thought, more funny than anything else.  (It shows an elephant taking a leak.)  But this guy was just out of control.  I would never accost a total stranger (or anyone else) because of a bumper sticker. What's wrong with people? 

John McCain is a fine American, and a true gentleman, who has done far more for his conservative cause by just being who he is than any angry screaming people every could, including that jackass at the post office.  Let's all imitate his manners.

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