The joys of being chair keep piling on. In addition to sections with low enrollments, we had a new problem hit us. One of our math teachers is also a part-time rancher. He was out on his tractor last Friday and managed to roll it over on top of himself. Lots of broken bones, but he is expected to pull through. But, to make sure his classes are taught (all had substantial enrollment), more class juggling is needed. This is a small school, and not a lot of majors in either math or computer science. However, we have a lot of "service" sections. I went through and counted the sections this dept. staffs, and there are more than 40, not counting internship and independent study sections.
One good that I have had a chance to work with the dean and get to know him better, I found out he is a very congenial and easy-going person. Makes my life easier!!
Lots of service sections is a Very Good Thing for a department with few majors. I'm guessing that having math and cs together helps a lot in that regard.