Monday, May 2, 2011

Well, now that's news!

I first found out the news about Osama b.L. this morning when I came to work.  I'm very glad to see that project has been completed. 

People that don't know me well tend to think I'm very even tempered.  On the outside, I am.  My temper tends to be very cold, cerebral and calculating.  My ex used to tell me I didn't get mad, I got even. 

I understand why the military needed to make sure ol' Osama received a proper Islamic ceremonial body preparation and burial.  However, personally speaking, that would not have been my first choice.  I think his body should have been dismembered into 10 to 12 pieces, and each piece stuck atop a tall pole in Central Park, so the New York citizens should enjoy the view.  And, watch the crows eat away at his rotting flesh.

1 comment:

  1. Well, well, a little bloodthirsty, are we? I myself was also imagining how OBL's head would look on a nice tall pike and recalling how the British dispatched mutineers in India back in the day - with lard-drenched bullets.
